Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Healthy Holiday Countdown!

Diet is on point for the next few weeks, now all we need is a good exercise program to follow! Like we discussed yesterday, in order to see fast results we need to crank up the intensity! To do this we don’t necessarily need to increase the frequency of our training. If you are currently training 3-4 days per week and we crank up the heat on the cardio it will be just enough to shock your body into melting the weight away. If you are not currently doing anything at all then it will be even easier! Just start doing cardio and the diet we talked about and you will see results in no time. You have all heard me talk about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) many of times in past blogs but now is the time to implement it. All cardio done over the next 3 weeks will be HIIT. This will keep sessions short to accommodate the hectic holiday season and also keep the intensity up to fit into our fast transformation. By doing HIIT we also boost the metabolism and keep the body burning fuel longer! Let’s look at an example program to follow.

Day 1- 30 min Jump Rope Intervals- Start by jumping 60 second and resting 30 seconds, do this until you absolutely have to have more rest then switch to 60 seconds on, 60 seconds off. Do this for the entire 30 minutes

Day 2- 20 min Sprint Intervals- For this we will do 30 second sprints with 30 second rest. During the working portion make sure to run as fast as you can and during the rest period make sure you are at complete rest; no jogging. We need ample recovery time to assure we can complete the next interval.

Day 3- 15 min Jump Rope, 15 min Sprint Interval- Perform the same interval times as the previous two day but just do it for 15 minutes then switch methods for the last 15 minutes.

Day 4- 30 min Alternate Jump Rope and Sprint Intervals- This will definitely be the hardest day but it will go by the fastest due to the fact that we will be alternating exercises on every interval. Start by Jumping Rope for 60 seconds then rest for 60 seconds, next sprint for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Repeat until you have reached 30 minutes total time.

Strength Training

Day 1-     Body Weight Squats-                                             100 reps for time
                  Pushups-                                                                  50 reps for time
                 Sit Ups-                                                                    100 reps for time

              Day 2-     Lunges-                                3 sets of 12 reps; 30 sec rest in between
                 Plank-                     3 sets of 30-60 sec holds; 30 sec rest in between
                Body Squat-                           3 sets of 15 reps; 30 sec rest in between
                Glute Bridge-                       2 sets of 20 reps; 20 sec rest in between
                               Pushups-                               2 sets of 12 reps; 20 sec rest in between
                                Bench Dips-                          3 sets of 12 reps; 30 sec rest in between
                                Swimmers-                             2 sets of 30 sec; 30 sec rest in between 

When performing Day 1 of Strength Training do the reps listed as fast as possible, take as many breaks as needed just make sure to finish. Each week try better your time. Follow the workouts and cardio to the “T” and see how easy it is to drop the weight and stay in shape over the holidays! Remember 4 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training is the minimum per week so feel free to add more days or repeat the workouts as needed throughout the weeks. All exercises can be performed without any equipment or a gym so no excuses! Jump Ropes are only like $10 and are easily taken on any vacation. Now get out here and bust your soon to be skinnier butts! With the diet restrictions and the added intensity you will more than BRING IT this holiday season!!!

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