Monday, October 3, 2011

Supplement Shake-Down!

We hear millions of claims daily on TV or in magazines about a certain vitamin or herbal supplement being able to cure our ailments or drastically improve our lives. Unfortunately, the info we are given is usually unclear or the product is just a fad to make money. We have all been inside of a vitamin or health food store just to see what is was all about, but how many times have you walked out confused or with something that you still have no idea what it does? The sheer number of supplements available can seem overwhelming, and it’s hard to know which offer genuine health benefits and which are merely giving false promises. This has created many skeptics about whether any of these products really work or are they all just scams? Supplementation has also often been associated with “dieting” or “getting big”, which creates an “I don’t work out so I don’t need those” mentality. But with so many options there has to be something that could help your daily life or make you feel better? Right?

The answer is yes! Supplements don’t just have to be for weight loss or a new fad (Beyonce’s lemonade cleanse) that you want to follow; they can help correct a lot of common problems in your life. We all know that when you have a cold Vitamin C can help you get over it quicker by boosting your immune system, but what else is there to help us? We will break down a few other common supplements that may improve your daily function.

Vitamin B- B vitamins can help the body’s natural energy production and metabolism function. They can also help with your hair, skin, and nails in the form of Biotin. B vitamins can help with cell division and growth of red blood cells making the immune system and nervous system better. Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been shown to decrease the risk of numerous birth defects in pregnant women. There are 8 typical B vitamins so make sure you choose the one that fulfills your needs whether it’s more energy or shinier hair.
Fish Oil- Fish oils are an excellent way to supply your body with the healthy fats that it needs. The benefits are endless. They help with healthier hair, skin, and nails, joint lubrication, cardiovascular health, to lowering your cholesterol. The American diet also consists of almost all omega 6 fats and with the body needing a equal balance of omega 6 and omega 3, fish oils become the best tool for evening them out. Be careful with fish oils though, this is one product you don’t want to buy the cheapest on. The purity level of the product goes a long way in the effects.
Probiotics- Probiotics are the good bacteria in our digestive system that aid in the processing of our food. Adding a good probiotic supplement can take away a lot of digestive problems and even help lactose intolerance. They can also reduce the risk of yeast infections among women. Having your stomach work properly can also go a long way in helping your diet and weight loss. If taken with a fiber supplement they can also work as a cleansing tool and aid in keeping you regular.

Glucosamine –
Glucosamine is often found in conjunction with chondroitin and MSM. The function of this product is to decrease joint pain and help strengthen the cartilage. For all of you that have “bad knees” this product is a must have and should remain in your regimen for life. The rebuilding capabilities won’t necessarily fix any injury but it will definitely help prevent your joints from getting worse and make them much stronger.

Melatonin- Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body to aid in the sleep cycle. Having already learned in previous blog’s the effect of hormone imbalances; this may be a product that is good for you if are having trouble sleeping. It’s not going to knock you out like a prescription sleeping pill but it could help get your hormone production back on track, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Many products combine melatonin and tryptophan together for an extra sleep aid.

These are just a few basic supplements but there is something for everything and everyone out there so before you self diagnose a chronic illness or knee pain, try out some products that may help your symptoms. Example: if you are a heavy drinker and feel your liver hates you every Saturday and Sunday morning try adding Milk Thistle in to promote liver health or if you hate milk or dairy, add a calcium/vitamin D supplement to assure healthy bones. Our bodies need a lot of things to function properly and in this day and age of processed foods and poor diets we most likely can’t get them all from whole foods so look at what you are lacking and supplement it in. If you have any questions about supplements or nutrition, please feel free to contact me. These can be great tools to assure you stay your best and keep BRINGING IT in life!!!!!!

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