Monday, August 1, 2011

Eat More, Weigh Less

Last week we discussed how to start a healthy lifestyle and make it specified to your needs; over the next few weeks we will look into the most important factor in making that fitness transformation, DIET! Without proper nutrition choices, no amount of work done in the gym will ever be good enough. Now, before y’all freak out, I’m not going to be asking anyone to give up their favorite snack or much needed adult beverage.  We will simply look at basic diet choices that will change the way you feel and speed up the results you are looking for.

There are two major misconceptions when it comes to “dieting”. The first is that you need to eat an insanely low amount of calories in order to lose weight (next week’s topic). The second is that crash diets or fad diets are the way to lose weight and keep it off. If you have to say to yourself, “Okay, I’m going to do this diet for 1 month just to drop 10 lbs”, then the odds are high that you will never be able to stick to it. Plus, as soon as you come off of the diet and begin eating normally, the weight will come right back! We are trying to do more than just fit into a cute dress one time or rock a six pack for summer, so why choose a strict diet that can’t be followed on a daily basis?

The word “diet” has been frequently misused and turned into a taboo thought of hard work. It’s not meant to be conceived as miserable days of calorie counting and carb watching all while eating terrible food. Diet is simply what you take in daily. We aren’t here to “diet”, just clean our existing ones up. Making better nutrition choices should not be a chore and should not make you suffer day in and day out avoiding all of your favorite foods. For example, I LOVE carbonated/sugar filled energy drinks! So rather than give them up, I just choose to avoid other forms of sugar throughout the day. This is my compromise and now my daily diet is well rounded and easy to follow because I still get my favorites in moderation. This will help keep you sane and committed as we move forward in our healthy lifestyles.

When looking at your current eating habits, first look at the number of meals you are eating per day. I want everyone to try to improve to eating at least 4 small meals a day. This will help speed up the metabolism because your body will become used to getting fuel on a regular basis and start to burn through it quicker. Next evaluate the content of each meal. Is it processed foods? Sweets? All carbs and no protein? Shoot for getting a carb, a fat, and a protein at each meal with the carbs tapering down as the day goes on. You cannot survive without fats and carbs; no matter what you have heard, cutting carbs out is a terrible idea. When selecting the source of these nutrients look to whole foods and items from the earth. If you don’t have to get out of your car to get it, it’s most likely not a good option. Fruits and veggies are obvious choices, but use raw seeds and nuts for snacks as well. Swapping processed snacks for these healthier options will immediately change the way you feel. Lastly, determine your vices. What sinful little treat can you not live without? Now put a realistic, healthy limit on the amount you can have on a weekly basis. If it’s sweets go with only one every 3 days, if it’s an entire meal try only indulging once a week, for alcohol cut back to a glass a night. Just remember you need to adjust the rest of your day to allow for the extra calories!

Over the next few weeks we will dive into deeper detail, but for this week just try to clean up your daily eating habits and increase the frequency of meals. It’s your diet so make it work for you! If you can’t live without Diet Coke, have one, just know you need to give up something else that day to balance your nutrition out. If you have questions about specific products or your own personal diet feel free to contact me and I will help you get it going. Stay on the outside aisles at the grocery store, avoid drive-thru’s, pack in the protein, and when you get to the gym BRING IT!!!!


  1. This whole 4 meals a day is harder than it sounds... Do you suggest a snake between breakfast/lunch, lunch/dinner, or after dinner? Or just whenever?

  2. Good question Kris. Try to have your snack between breakfast/lunch or before your workout. We want to front load our calories each day so having it after dinner would be the worst option.
