Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Simple 6-Step Thanksgiving Day Shuffle!

With the holiday seasons approaching, we need to get our mind right to maintain focus in achieving our fitness goals. There is no question that it is tough to keep up a strict exercise program and a healthy diet through all of the holiday cheer, but it is more important now than ever to stay on task! Don’t let a couple of days of buffet style meals be an excuse to tank the remaining six weeks of the year. In order to do so we will look at a few tips to keep the unwanted pounds from piling back on and preserve all of our hard work.

1.   Switch from Weight Loss to Weight Maintenance- During the actual weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas focus in on maintaining your weight versus losing any. It will help keep things more realistic and allow you to actually enjoy yourself. This is just to be during the weeks of travel and family visiting, not for the remainder of the year!

2.   Use Healthy Recipes and Low Fat/Sugar Substitutes- When preparing meals for the family or picking out how to fill your plate up in the food line at Grandma’s, look for healthier options. Load up on the green veggies (the ones not soaked in butter), lay off of the gravy, cook with fruits instead of sugars, use fat free and low calorie products  while preparing your dishes, and always try to stay as natural as possible.

3.   Eat Breakfast- The morning before your mammoth meals it is imperative that you eat breakfast! This will ensure that you have to willpower to turn down some of the gluttony you will be facing. Eating even a small meal high in protein and high in fiber will help curb some of your craving and cut down on your portion sizes. It’s best to not show up to the party starving. Saving all of your calories for one meal ain’t the way to go if you want to keep your waist line down.

4.  Plan your Exercise to Compensate- During the weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas work a little harder in the gym. Run a little further or add an extra day of cardio into your weekly routine. If at all possible exercise the day of your planned feast. Plenty of cities do 5k or half marathons on holiday morning so sign up for a race. Even the most basic fitness junkies can do a 5k! We still have to have calories burned higher than calories consumed on average during this time frame.

5.   Portion Control- This one is probably the most important! Stick to foods that are specific to the holiday. Don’t go after bad foods that you can have any time during the year and stay away from seconds! Survey the options first, and then load your plate up with enough food to fill you up the first go around. Knowing what you want on your plate will help keep the portions of the foods you can’t live without reasonable. Everyone loves leftovers so make sure to save it for later not try to squeeze it in all at once.

6.   Easy on the Alcohol- Alcohol can ramp up the extra calories quick! Whether it’s mimosas at breakfast or eggnog by the fire, use in moderation to keep calorie counts from getting out of hand. If you are going to indulge, make sure that you cut something else out to compensate. Limiting yourself here may make the in-laws a little harder to tolerate but it will certainly go a long way in keeping your fitness goals within grasps.

Use these tips to have a successful holiday season. Remember, this time is about family more than food, so spend as much time as possible (or as tolerable) with your loved ones. Impress them with your dedication and self control when it comes to your diet and exercise. Don’t use this as an excuse to take a month off and “start back fresh in the new year”. We are going to be ahead of the game come January so eat consciously, work out consistently, enjoy BRINGING IT with the fam over the holidays!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Functional Frequency

Finally back from an amazing Stay-cation and now it’s time for us to get back to work! Hopefully you have all been using the cardio tips we discussed in the past few blogs over this time. Even with that information I know there are still a lot of questions as to how many times a week we should perform cardio, what about weights, etc…. The answer to all your questions is “Whatever works best for you.” I can give you the best program ever written to follow but if you can’t incorporate it into your daily lifestyle then it’s just a piece of paper. If you can only budget 1 hour, 3 days a week to your fitness then that is the best plan for you. It will take you significantly longer to achieve your goals and your diet best be on point but that will work for you. 

Deciding your goals will also help determine how many days a week you should train. If your goal is general health or slight weight loss 3 days may be good enough for you anyways. If you are looking to add muscle mass or to drop a significant amount of weight I would suggest 5 days a week. If you are training for a half or full marathon there are training schedules that only call for 4 days a week. Let’s look at a few examples split up by goal and frequency.

General Health: (3 Days): Day 1 – 30 min cardio (high intensity), 30 min strength training
                                                    Day 2 - 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                    Day 3 – 30 min cardio (high intensity), 30 min strength training
                                  (5 Days): Day 1 – 30 min cardio (high intensity), 30 min strength training
                                                    Day 2 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                    Day 3 – 15 min HIIT, (highest intensity) 45 strength training
                                                    Day 4 – 60 min cardio (medium intensity)
                                                    Day 5 – 30 min cardio (high intensity), 30 strength training

Weight Loss:       (3 Days): Day 1 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                    Day 2 – 45 min cardio, (medium intensity) 30 min strength training
                                                    Day 3 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                  (5 Days): Day1 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                    Day 2 – 20 min HIIT, (highest intensity) 30 min strength training
                                                    Day 3 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                    Day 4 – 20 min HIIT, (highest intensity) 30 min strength training
                                                    Day 5 – 60 min cardio (low intensity)

Mass Gain:         (3 Days): Day 1 – 45 min strength training (push muscles), 30 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                   Day 2 – 45 min strength training (pull muscles), 30 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                   Day 3 – 45 min strength training (leg muscles), 30 min cardio (low intensity)
                                 (5 Days): Day 1 – 45 min strength training (chest), 30 min cardio (low intensity)
                                                   Day 2 – 60 min strength training (legs)
                                                   Day 3 – 45 min strength training (shoulders), 20 min HIIT
                                                   Day 4 – 60 min strength training (back)
                                                   Day 5 – 45 min strength training (arms), 30 min cardio (low intensity)

Cardio Endurance: (4 Days): Day 1 – 60 min cardio (medium intensity, medium distance)
                                                        Day 2 – 60 min cardio (low intensity, short distance)
                                                        Day 3 – 60 min cardio (medium intensity, medium distance)
                                                        Day 4 – 60 min cardio (high intensity, long distance)

These are all just generic examples of different training splits so you may have to doctor some of them to fit you or your needs completely. Please feel free to contact me if you are still having trouble figuring out what to do on a weekly basis for your workouts. We can all find a routine that works for our schedule it’s just a matter of getting out there and doing it! Build a program, follow it, and always remember to BRING IT in the gym!!!!!!